Services We Can Provide.
- First Steps – This is a parenting support and education program that is provided to families of newborns who give birth at Rockdale Medical Center.
- Car Seat Safety Classes – Parents who qualify participate in a car seat safety class and receive a new car seat upon completion.
- Rockdale & Newton Parent Support Program –This is a weekly home visitation program designed to support parents of children 0 – 5.
- Educational Support Program – This program is an intensive, weekly, in-home program provided by a bi-lingual Care Navigator to help parents learn basic computer skills. We partner with Bold Ministries to provide tuition for children to receive weekly tutoring through Camp Westminster. The Care Navigator also acts as a liaison between the student and the teacher and provides resources and referrals for the families.
- Early Learning Support Program – We are working with community partners to increase access to high quality early childhood programs for dual language learners which enhances overall family functioning and increases the stability of families. This program provides an in-home, bi-lingual, Care Navigator who works with the family and community partners to help address the barriers to pre-school programs, such as lack of transportation.